Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Alright, I want your opinon on two things........ here they are,
1. CYT or theater to those who want to know what I mean.
One of my friends asked me if I was doing Cinderella this spring.
2. Irsh Dance- I really like it but CYT does not offer it this year.
The problem:
I Can not decide which one I want to do!!!!!!!!!!!!
Includes my greatest dream- to become an actress,several unique classes, and plays.
Bad thing is- no matter how well you adition if you are under 15 you can not get a main part.
Irsh Dance:
A amazing, fun work-out!!! And I DO NOT feel small and inexperienced when I do it.
Bad thing- scarcely equals my slipping dream to become an actress.
Question: Which one should I do?!!
Thank you for hearing me, please write your answer in the comments box below. Thanks!!!


Cecilia said...

ok so first, a question. are you thinking about dropping CYT completely if you do Irish dance? or are you just thinking about not doing Cinderella?
So heres what I think. I think that you should go for Irish dancing. That is such a amazing and fun thing to do and your amazing at it. and it's really good to start that when your young. I would LOVE to do Irish Dance. I just think that would be so fun. CYT will be here forever and I don't think dropping it for one show will make it so you'll never be able to be an actress. Plus, Cinderella is NOT such a great show for chorus parts. they don't have very many scenes at all. oh and another thing. Thats really not true about the not getting a main part unless you are 15. I've been around here for a loooong time and I've seen lots and lots of younger people get leads. You shouldn't give up hope. but I must say that sometimes it just has to do with the show your auditioning for. Cinderella for instance, needs to be older. the actress needs to be a little more mature then say, a 13 year old. so it really depends.
Both theater and Irish dance are amazing things. I think you should try to do a little bit of both for awhile and see which one you like better. but I don't think you should drop either of them completely. ask god about it. pray. I'll be praying for you. :)Go for it girl! have fun. :)

Kathryn said...

Hmmm. There's not much to say after Cecilia's comment! . . . If I had to decide between the two, I would look at which one I like and enjoy the best; but if it was the same for each, I would try to see which one effects the people in my life in the best way, and ultimately which one helps me to glorify God the most. So, yeah definitely pray about it. I agree with Cc in that I think you shouldn't drop either completely. At least not at first. I share the same dream of being an actress so -I- would pick CYT but I'm not you, so. . . yeah. . .
I hope that's helps you!
Love you and God bless you with a clear mind!

Cecilia said...

Ahaha sorry Kathryn... woooah. I did say a lot didn't I? LOL :D

Victoria R. said...

Thanks. I still am going to have to sacerfice one or the other though. Luckily, my friend decided NOT to do the play! I am glad because though my cousins would think it is great I personally was not excited about aditioning for Cinderella. Not that its a bad story or anything but....
Cecilia, really you did write a lengthy comment!(= You must type fast!! I think that Irsh Dance would proably effect my family in the best way because my dad really wants me to do it! If we could find a close studio, it would also help us save prices on gas. Still I am unsure..
Your sister in Christ,

Cecilia said...

I know.... Sorry! I do type very fast... and I tend to babble a lot. ahaha. I'm not doing Cinderella either. :P I'm excited to see who gets in tho! :)

Kathryn said...

Your comments aren't TOO full of babbling, Cc. . .just the right amount. Honestly, their really fun to read!

What are you two up to today?? Started school yet?

Victoria R. said...

Yeah! Along time ago...............
I guess the public schools have been closed. I feel bad for them, I like school!!!(=

Kathryn said...

HOW long ago?? We started the week after new years day. about two weeks ago.

Victoria R. said...

We did too!! Are you homeschooled?! We are!!

Kathryn said...

Of course. I knew you guys home schooled. ....... Do you enjoy it?

Victoria R. said...

Yeah it is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kathryn said...

whoa. that's a lot of exclamation points.

Victoria R. said...

i know!!! I love exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!! :) ;)