Here is a test for you! Please take it honestly and do not look at the end.
When you are finished count up the number of As, Bs, Cs and Ds you got.
You may need a pencil and paper.
Remember no one is perfect!
What would you do if........
1. Your neighbor's house set on fire and someone had already called 911.
a)you whimper and hide in a corner.
b) You read your book
c) You call 911again.
d) You stay out of the way
2. Your Mom asks you to clean your room because her friend is coming over for coffee and you forget to.
a) You hide
b) You quickly stuff everything under your bed
c) You meet her and apologize for your room's condition
d)You ask your mom's forgiveness right there and then
3. In school, you accidently spill nachos all over a friend
a) You scream and make a big deal about it
b) You blush and slink away
c) You apologize again and again
d) You help clean up and finish eating
4. You break your brother,s new toy
a) You tell him to quit crying so you can apologize
b) You apologize and leave your parents to deal with it
c) You try to fix it
d) You offer to buy a new one
5.Your grandma gives you a new pair of shorts. But they are way too small.
a) You toss them away
b) You give them to your younger cousin
c) You thank your grandma but in your heart you are not thankful
d) You thank your grandma and ask her if maybe you could go shopping with her.
6. You wanted to be a flower girl at your cousins wedding but she chooses your little cousin instead.
a) You complain and throw a fit
b) You loathe your little cousin's attention
c) You pretend to be indifferent
d) You say congrats your little cousin and complement her dress.
7. Your baby sister spilled milk all over your new dress.
a) You curse her and have a temper tantrem
b) You hotly discuss it with your parents
c) You angrily clean it up
d) You graciously forgive her and pick something else to wear.
8. You and your friends walk in the library and start chatting loudly. the librarian tells you to be quiet.
a) You ask her if talking is a crime and resume your loudness
b) You drop your tone just a bit
c) You whisper about her meaness and discuss her looks
d) You apologize for your behavior and resume your conversation in a whisper.
9. When your friend invites you over, your mom says no because you did not do your homework.
a) You fret and complain.
b) You ask her why and become a grump
c) you do your homework grumpily
d) You thank her for considering your homework stress, and ask when you can get together with your friend.
10. You promise to take out the trash and forget. Your parents punish you.
a) You complain and cry.
b) You say sorry but you do not mean it
c) You kick the trash can when no one is looking
d) You apologize, take out the trash, and set the table
Mostly As
You are emotional and a bit of a brat. Try to consider others.
Mostly Bs
You are not as sorry and forgiving as you should be.
Mostly Cs
You have a temper. Try to control that and your pride.
Mostly Ds
You are a compassionate, quiet person. Stand up for others.
Thanks for taking this test I created!
For each question, I usually do all 4!
I really want to know what our test taker does. I was mostly bs and cs. Mom
Tristan took the test and is such a good little Tinny he got mostly D's. What a good brother you have.
Tristan says that he wants to give Hayden this test. He also likes to do the word verifications at the end of the comments.
I got D's I'm a compassionate guy. pure poetry OHYAH!)
HAYDEN the super genius, smart kid, Game Geek
Well i am glad you all liked it!!!!
Do not worry Hayden took the quiz!
I will do this every month!
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