Sunday, December 14, 2008

Books-my favorites and ones I suggest

All people reading this blog, I demand your atention! If you absolutely have HUGE reasons for disliking all methoods of reading and writers you are guaranteed to disagree with this post.

This post will be conversational. Please write your favorite book, or one you suggest in the comments below.

Books I Suggest- (not in order of rank)

1."The Lost World" by Doyle. This book is a great dinosaur and adventure book. although it does have evoultion beliefs, it's still cool.

2. "Elsie Dinsmore"by Martha Finely

3. " Little House on the Prarie" by Laura Ingells Wilder

4. "Harry Potter #1,2,3,5,7" by Rowling

5. "The Chronicles Of Narnia" by C.S Lewis

6. "The Hobbit" by Tolkien

7. "Roman Mystery Series" by ?( all expect the Sirens)

There are so many lovely books and writers that have slipped my head.

I LOVE BOOKS!!!!!!!!


Kathryn said...

What about Harry Potter 4 and 6??? Because there's so much 'teen romance'?
The Hobbit is not is by Tolkien not Rowling!!
Have you read The Maiden's Bequest by George McDonald?? Everyone(at least girls) should read that book! Love it!

Victoria R. said...

Oops........ I guess i made a mistake. I knew that!!!

Kathryn said...

Have you read any Elizabeth George Speare??? Her books include The Witch of Blackbird Pond, The Sign of the Beaver, and others that aren't coming to mind at the moment. Also Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is a fave!! Amazing!!! Ever read any Jane Austen??

Anonymous said...

The Roman Mysteries are by Caroline Lawrence, but only Victoria has read them in our family!

One of my favorite books that I am reading is Don Quixote.

I also like murder mysteries...

Victoria R. said...

Boy I had pretty good taste...